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Frábært verð á þessum flottu ítölsku byssum


kr. 199.613 

Browning BPS Pumpa 12 ga. Action Shotgun

118.000 kr.

BENELLI Mygra ga. 20

Frábær byssa nánast ónotuð

Frábær hálfsjálfvirk haglabyssa í 20 gauge.

70 mm skothús.

Þyngd: 2,65Kg

Viðarskepti með stillanlegum halla.

Anodised glampafrí húðun á láshúsi og hlaupi.

Með 65 cm hlaupi.

3 langar þrengingar og ólarfestingar.

Kemur í harðri plasttösku.

kr. 239.000 ( Rétt verð kr. 269.000)

Skotin aðeins 25 skotum

Stoeger M3000 V2 MAX7 Tilboð kr.102.000 (kr.129.900 )

Hálfsjálfvirk, bakslagsskift haglabyssa með snúningsbolta.

MAX7 felumynstur
12 Gauge hlaupvídd.  Tekur allt að 3″ Magnum skotum.
Nú með mýkri kinnpúða á skefti.
Stórt eyra á bolta og stór hnappur á hlið láshúss.
26″ hlaup með fibersigti fremst á lista.
3300 gr.
Þrjár þrengingar fylgja.

Notuð BROWNING Phoenix Mobu

Verð 125.000 kr.

Lítið notuð

A400 Extreme Unico  camo Optofade 28” þyngd 3,6 kg


Öflugasta hálfsjálfvirka haglabyssan frá Berettu, dempari í skeptinu gerir bakslagið,mýkra

Tekur 2 3/4″ , 3″ og 3,5″ skot,

28″ hlaup

5 þrengingar

Lykill fylgir

Product Description

The A400 Xtreme Unico Camo Optifade is the perfect semiauto shotgun for hunting under practically any condition. Thanks to its 3 ½ inch chamber, it can fire any type of 12 gauge shell, and its revolutionary action is capable of shooting 4 shots in less than one second. It is particularly easy on the shoulder with today’s most advanced recoil-reducing devices, while its finish is durable and resistant to corrosion, water and salt spray. And with the A400’s receiver grooves for optics, you easily have today’s best turkey shotgun, also because of the superior Optifade camo pattern (developed by GORE) that is designed to become practically invisible to game. But thanks to its unmatched versatility, the A400 Xtreme Unico Camo Optifade is also ideal for upland birds, waterfowl and sporting clays.

Versatile, Fast, Low-Profile Action
The A400 action is truly revolutionary in the history of the semiautomatic shotgun. Thanks to the proprietary Blink technology, it shoots 36% faster than any other system, meaning that your follow-up shots will always be faster than any turkey, deer, duck or clay target.

It is low-profile and light weight (while being super-durable), giving you superior natural point-ability. And its reliable feeding of any type of 12-gauge shell—lead or steel, mild 2 ¾ inch to hard-hitting 3 ½ inch magnums—gives the A400 the versatility of a do-it-all shotgun.

Low Recoil (70% Recoil Reduction)
The A400 Xtreme Unico features not one, but several of today’s most advanced recoil reduction systems right out of the box. All these systems work together to minimize not only the recoil from the cartridge ignition and firing, but also from the backward-movement of the bolt.

Also, the A400 Xtreme Unico is designed to recoil parallel to the cheek mount, which also reduces felt kick while giving you faster follow-up shots. Altogether, these recoil-reduction devices decrease felt recoil by 70%, meaning that you can enjoy a longer day in the woods or at the range without any discomfort.

Flawless, Durable, Corrosion-Resistant Finish
Something else that won’t fail to impress you about the A400 Xtreme Unico Camo is its finish. The camo pattern is flawless and covers even the corners and recesses that would be left out in a lesser shotgun.

But what’s even more impressive is that, thanks to Aqua technology, the steel parts of the A400 Xtreme are highly resistant to corrosion, water and salt-spray, which make this shotgun a champion of durability even in the most extreme hunting conditions. Also available in Camo Max4 for water fowling.

Benelli M2 28″ hlaup 3,2 kg.

kr. 258,000

dinamic carcassa dx 001

Inertia-Driven System
The hallmark of
Benelli strength and reliability, our clean-burning Inertia Driven
System never requires adjusting, cycles consistently in conditions that
border on the unfair and easily handles everything from light field
loads to 3″ magnums. From a cleanliness and speed perspective, gas
systems simply cannot compete—whereas Inertia-Driven Benelli shotguns
are known to fire 500,000+ rounds and still function without flaw.

Benelli’s Crio System Technology

physics has revealed steel changes at the molecular level when cooled
to -300° F. When a Benelli barrel is cryogenically treated, all the
stresses caused by hammer forging are relieved and the surface of the
bore becomes more even-grained. The result is a slicker surface offering
less resistance to wads and shot charges. With smoother, more uniform
surfaces, Benelli Crio® barrels deliver superior patterns and stay clean longer.

Easy Locking Bolt System

without compromise: having a shotgun with a 3″ chamber does not mean
you always have to shoot the powerful stuff. The patented
locking mechanism is designed to work flawlessly with all shotgun
loads—from light clay loads to the ultimate goose-busters.

Easy Loading System

beveled loading port, redesigned carrier and a new two-piece carrier
latch have all been incorporated into the new M2 to
make loading the magazine effortless.

During loading, only the
front section of the Easy Loading System’s two-piece carrier latch
actually moves, allowing shells to slide up easily with minimal tension
or possibility of jamming.

Grooves in the loading port help you
guide shells in without having to take your eyes off incoming birds. The
new, beveled loading port also features a wider design to help funnel
shells toward the magazine, a must for gloved hunters.


Til á lager

Mjög góðar byssur

Listaverð kr. 199.613 


3″ hálfsjálfvirk haglabyssa

Lítið notuð tilboð kr. 155,000

Zoli 6,5×55 riffill með öllu klár fyrir hreindýraveiði.

680.000 kr.

  1. Kemur í mjög flottri tösku með talnalás.
  2. Hausken WD60 XTRM mjög öflugur hljóðdeyfir
  3. Harris tvífótur stillanleg hæð og veltifótur
  4. Vector Optics Taurus 5-30×56 FFP Illuminated MPX1


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